giovedì 14 ottobre 2010

Hi web peeps! 10/14/2010

Hi web peeps!
I am Giulia, I'm 17 and I am an Italian girl. I've always wanted to become an actress and I've always wanted to live in the USA! I'd love to stay in LA!! As you can understand I believe in the American dream! :-)
Everybody says that I look like Kim Possible, I've got green eyes and auburn hair, and my character is also similar to hers! In fact three of my qualities are confidence, perseverance and humility, while three of my faults are perfectionism, narcissism and stubborness.
My biggest dream is to have the role of Kim Possible in a Disney Production, I would be blissfully happy! I have this dream since I've seen the cartoon for the first time! I was only 12!! And I'm trying to do everything to make my dream come true!

I've opened this blog because it could be one of the things that could help me to make my dream come true! So I'll tell you every step of my long climb to the success! I know it won't be easy but I really believe in myself!!

Now I've just opened this blog, but you can check me out also

on my YouTube channel

on my Explore Talent page

on my Twitter account!/GiuliaModesto

and on my Cheez Burger account

Well, this is just an introduction about me :-) Wait the next post to know more... x x

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